We promise that this bag was made of soft genuine cow leather, we have a factory in Guangzhou, so we sell this bag at lowest price. The photos are all taken from real bag, pleaase feel free to buy it, we usually send it out within 1 bussiness day.
Notice: We promise that our bag is made real cow leather, some sellers sell faux leather bag, but used my photos, it is bad quality,please know about this.
Color | Black, Dark Blue, Purple, Red, Coffee, Brown, Beige, White(Silver color hardware) |
Material | Genuine cow leather |
Weight | 0.93KG |
Opening | Zipper enclosed |
Style | Tote/Shoulder |
Structure | 1 wall zipper pocket,1 phone pocket, 1 wallet pocket |
Size | Bottom Length x Height x Width= 15.7x12.2x3.1 inch(40x31x8cm) |