Gender: Unisex;Brand Name: gleeooy;Material: PVC;Item Type: Model;Soldier Accessories: Soldier Finished Product;By Animation Source: Western Animiation;Model Number: s1;Condition: In-Stock Items;Dimensions: 15-17cm;Commodity Attribute: Subject;Age Range: > 6 years old;Theme: Movie & TV;Mfg Series Number: Model;Remote Control: No;Size: One Size;Version Type: Remastered Version;Completion Degree: Finished Goods;Warning: Dont put it into mouth;Puppets Type: Model;star wars minion 6: star wars minion 6;starwars minion: starwars minion;star wars black series 6: star wars black series 6;star wars black series boba fett: star wars black series boba fett;star wars black series 6 inch: star wars black series 6 inch;star wars black series stormtrooper: star wars black series stormtrooper;star wars black series kylo ren: star wars black series kylo ren;star wars black series darth vader: star wars black series darth vader;star wars : star wars darth vader;Feature : Christmas/New Year Gifts;
6PCS/Lot Star Wars Mi nion Action Figures Darth Vader R2D2 Darth Maul Yoda Darth Vader Stormtrooper Collections Movie Figuras

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