Enjoy the benefits from Retinol (Vitamin A)with our advanced formula which is at 2.5% retinol moist. This elegantsuspension of Retinol (Vitamin A) combined with Propolis Extract, Organic GreenTea Extract, and a synergistic blend of active ingredients, softens and healsthe skin with the most efficient moisturization system. Vitamin A has amolecular structure that's tiny enough to get into the lower layers of skinwhere it finds collagen and elastin and activates them. Vitamin A is proven toimprove fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, skin texture, skin tone, skinbreakouts, as well as your skin hydration levels.
It has highratio of active ingredients including 2.5% pure retinol. Formulated with asynergistic blend of organic & natural active ingredients to maximize efficiency. Formulated with the most effective moisturization system which helpsto protect your skin from flakiness and dryness when using retinol. We chose tomake the product as a serum, not a moisturizer. Serums are delivery systems foringredients, and can be used as supplements for skin. By making this product asa serum, we'd like to give you the flexibility to adjust your frequency when usingretinol until you feel it works well. For all skin types (oily, dry, normal,combination). Good even for super-oily and super-dry skin. For Anti-aging, Anti-wrinkle,Anti Blemish, Anti-acne, Skin Toning, Skin Recovery, Anti-inflammatory, Oil-Balancing,Anti Scar and Hydrating, Gently Exfoliating, Softening, Non-comedogenic, and Increasingskin elasticity.