- Relieving stress
- Reducing back pain
- Strengthening the core
- Elongating the spine

3-Steps to Heal Your Spine
Improve Your Health, Enhance Your Well-Being & Instantly Relieve Back Pain

With regular usage, the benefits of inversion therapy are endless...
More specifically, relieve your existing back pain--no harmful pills or expensive treatments required and you can also protect your back from permanent and painful spine damage.
It has been reported to boost your “happy” hormones and relieve spinal compression. If you suffer from back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain or all of the above, our yoga swing can help relieve those achy muscles.
Yoga swing is the perfect inversion therapy tool to rejuvenate and revitalize your health and exercise routine. The inversion yoga swing provides natural muscle stretching and strengthening into an all-in-one total body yoga workout.