Annie's homegrown macaroni & cheese in mac & trees love your planet pasta shapes with yummy cheddar flavor is made with real cheddar cheese, never artificial flavors, synthetic colors or synthetic preservatives. We partner with people and places we trust to grow the non-gmo organic wheat for our whole grain pasta meal. Each wholesome serving contains 11 g. Of protein and 8 g. Of whole grain. Includes one 5.5 oz. Box of annie’s homegrown macaroni & cheese in mac & trees love your planet pasta shapes with yummy cheddar. See nutrition facts panel for allergens.
country of origin : united states of america
is gmo free : yes
organic : 70%+ organic
size : 5.5 oz
pack of : 12
selling unit : case
ingredients : annatto extract for color;best organic wheat pasta organic wheat;butter;cheddar cheese cultured pasteurized milk;cultured whole milk;non-animal enzymes;nonfat milk;organic whole grain wheat;salt;sodium phosphate;whey
keywords : cups;grain;healthy;microwave;natural;organic;pasta;whole