Bridal Wreath Spiraea is known as Bridal Wreath (spiraea x vanhouttei) Hedge Seedlings is a lovely plant to have in your yard. You know Bridal Wreath Spiraea when you see it. At the mature height, it can grow up to ten feet with snowy white clouds of blooms. It requires plenty of room to spread. Gardeners choose this plant as a showpiece hedge. It grows well and is hardy in all but the most extreme planting zones. It requires little maintenance when planted in deep, fertile soil. It retains moisture easily. Don't overwater or foliage will turn yellow.
The Bridal Wreath Spirea Seedlings bloom from May through July.
Zone- 4-9
Mature Height- 4-10 ft Width- 2-3'ft
Sun or Shade- Full Sun
Our Shipping method:
We remove plants from their pots and have some of the soil removed from around the root area, these plants should be planted at the depth they were previously which you can usually tell by the soil line mark on the plant above the root. You may also research on the internet for your zone when to plant your plants into the ground and how to care for them. My suggestion for the summer is to plant your plants in a large pot, keep it in a cool area of your garden.
Our Policy"
When your order arrives do the scratch test, take a knife and scrape the bark in different areas of the plant if you see green your plant is alive, if you see cream or brown your plant is dead contact us immediately with pictures so we can issue a store credit.
Ferns and Coral Bells will usually lose their leaves or look dried out, plant them in a pot with good compost soil and keep them moist but do not overwater. You should see the plants bounce back after a week or so.
If any item you purchased from us does not live, for a Store Credit just email us at along with pictures of the item immediately after receiving your order.
Due to the perishable nature of the items we are selling we can only ensure that you receive healthily, and live items. however, we cannot guarantee how the plants are cared for or handled after they have been received; therefore, our liability ends after you receive your order. It’s important for you to follow the instructions sent with your order.