The Hansa British Bulldog honestly looks like he will waddle over to you and jump on your lap! The details on the body make him so realistic. The artisans have worked the plush so there are wrinkles in the skin on the body, over the eyes and around the mouth. You won't worry about slobber...just loads of love comes from the Hansa Bulldog. The animals are hand sewn “inside out”, resulting in the minimization of seams. This development of an exceptional internal stitching method allows the Hansa artisans to create effects like muscle tone and “features” unique to each creature.
Known for their loose-jointed, shuffling gait and massive, short-faced head, the Bulldog is known to be equable, resolute and dignified. A medium-sized dog, they are not your typical lap dog, but would like to be! They are one of the most popular due to their lovable and gentle dispositions and adorable wrinkles. The Bulldog may be brindle, white, red, fawn, fallow or piebald.