Everyone loves getting a pretty bouquet of roses
for all occasions. The sad part about roses is that they wilt away as suddenly
as the night. Why not get your loved one roses that not only last forever, but
also comes in an adorable puppy shape! The Rose Dog is a great and easy DIY
gift for Valentine's Day, anniversaries, or birthdays.
It comes with a Styrofoam dog shape, bag of handcrafted foam roses, and ribbon to make a bow. All you need to do is use the hot glue gun to finish the task! This Rose Dog will last a lifetime as a symbol of your love and affection for that someone special.
- 500 roses included in each DIY kit
- 35 cm tall 25 cm long and 25 cm wide
- Glue gun and glue included
- Ribbon with the phrase "Just For You"
- Easy to assemble
- No additional materials required
- Great for every occasion
Order yours today and give your special someone roses that will light up their eyes and make their hearts glow.