Chafetz Chaim on the Torah 2 Vol. Slipcase Set
The Chofetz Chaim: Leader of Klal Yisrael. Lover of all Jews. Tzaddik yesod olam. Halachic decisor. Promoter of peace and shemiras halashon. Now, study the weekly parshah with him.
Finally, close to seventy years after it first appeared in Hebrew, Sefer Chofetz Chaim al Hatorah is now available in English, for all to enjoy be inspired by. Chofetz Chaim Al HaTorah is a sefer of the Chofetz Chaims divrei Torah on the Chumash, written by his trusted talmid, Rav Shmuel Greinemann ztl. For years a fixture on every serious Jews bookshelf or table, this sefer has now been translated into English for the very first time.
The Chofetz Chaim on the Torah is as relevant to each of us today as it was when it was first published. Packed with Torah hashkafos and yiras Shamayim, the very words on each page evoke the Chofetz Chaims gentle voice and guiding instruction. Connect with the great Chofetz Chaim. Let his words, his mussar, his legacy penetrate your heart as you learn this sefer. It will be a guide for life.
7 X 10""