Fits: adjustable back strap 9"~16", adjustable chin strap 7"~12"
Research has shown that long hours in the sun without adequate eye protection increase the
chances of developing eye disease. UV-absorbant sunglasses and sun goggles can help protect the eyes of your pet from sun damage.
For dogs with the increasingly common eye disease, Pannus, Doggles are proving very
useful, it is well known that dogs with Pannus should stay out of direct sun and get protection from
UV light.
These sun goggles also provide protection from wind and debris. Whether your dog rides in a sidecar, on a
motorcycle, or in the back of a pickup, he/she needs eye protection.
Most dogs will readily accept sun goggles after a short adjustment period. Training your dog to wear the
goggles can be accomplished in a small amount of time if you follow these easy steps:
- Don't put the goggles on your dog while indoors. Imagine yourself wearing dark tinted glasses inside - you cannot see, and neither can your dog.
- When you first put the goggles on your dog, don't let him paw at the glasses or roll to get them off. Reassure him that its okay and take him immediately to bright sunlight and let him realize that he can see with them on. Walk around to get his mind off the goggles.
- Try to go through this routine as often as possible. The number of training sessions required depends on your dog.