Our Electric Acupuncture Energy Pen uses a fusion of biotechnology, massage, and acupuncture to promote relaxation and healthy circulation. Use the pen to gently shock specific pressure points to help with muscle relaxation or stimulation as well as cure minor ailments, such as hiccups, trouble sleeping, and minor aches and pain.
- Non-piercing acupuncture using electromagnetic massage therapy
- Promotes a variety of good health habits (healthy circulation, relaxation, pain relief, and more)
- Safe and effective
- No side effects
- Small, compact size
- Battery-powered (1 AA battery not included)
- Dimensions: approx. 20cm x 3cm
- Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery to the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and all European Union Countries.
- Please allow 2-6 weeks for delivery to the rest of the world.