The Electric Acupuncture Massage Pen can stimulate the acupoint and create a feeling of vibration in the epidermis. After using, you will feel relaxed and comfortable. Through the bioelectrical axis network, it directly affects the body tissue, regulates body absorption, adjusts balance, metabolism and other functions.
- The Massage Pen works based on the principles of magnets therapy as well as on acupuncture points, simple massage on your muscles will be very helpful when it comes to constant muscle and joint pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, muscle tension, acute and chronic physical pain, arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, sciatica, spondylitis, migraine, sports injuries.
- Safe and effective, with no side effects. It works on partial body parts, and spheroidal type head appliable for quickly alleviating pain, work efficiently to relieve the tension. Simple operation, easy to carry. Safe and effective, with no side effects. Suitable for family use.
- Item Type: Massage & Relaxation
- Material: Stainless Steel
- Size: Medium
- Application: Body