Whole Elk Antlers are harder to chew and last longer. They need more work to get to the nutritious marrow.
Split Elk Antlers are easier to chew but last less than whole antlers. They are more enjoyable as the delicious marrow is already exposed.
ALL NATURAL AND HUMANE: Naturally Shed Elk Antlers are 100% sustainable and gathered in the USA, right in our backyard in the Rocky Mountains. Elk naturally shed their antlers and no elk are touched when the antlers are gathered. Due to their unique nature antlers can vary in size, shape, weight, color, and texture.
PREMIUM QUALITY: Our Naturally Shed Elk Antlers are Grade A quality and make a delicious long-lasting chew. Grade A antlers have the most flavor for your pup!
NUTRITION RICH: Naturally Shed Elk Antlers are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are 100% pure elk antlers with no additives or preservatives, and make a great teeth cleaner!
STINK FREE: Our Naturally Shed Elk Antlers are naturally low in odor. Our Grade A premium antlers don't splinter or make a mess while your pup is enjoying them!
FOR AGGRESSIVE CHEWERS: Naturally Shed Elk Antlers are recommended for aggressive chewers. Antlers are very hard and in some cases can damage teeth. Always supervise your dog while the product is being used. If an antler is worn or too small, please discard as it might present a choking hazard. Antlers are for dog consumption only (not for human consumption).
Whole and Split Elk Antlers Comparison
WHOLE ELK ANTLERS: Whole antlers are harder to chew and last longer. They need more work to get to the nutritious marrow.
SPLIT ELK ANTLERS: Split antlers are easier to chew but last less than whole antlers. They are more enjoyable as the delicious marrow is already exposed.

The Elk Antler Process