Size instructions
You order Product label LL and LLL, SIZE LL = XL ; SIZE LLL = XXL thank you for your great understanding.
-You can pay using Western Union, Moneybookers, Visa, MasterCard credit cards,bank transfer.
-(If you need to pay in another way,please contact us,we wiill offer another payment method,we also accept the payment by the email adress).
-All the orders are handled within 5 workdays after we receive payment,so please pay it ASAP, so that we could ship it out timely after you make order.
-Items will be shipped via Post Air Mail, EMS, epacket, DHL, FedEx or UPS.
-All our items will be shipped to buyer's address which offered by buyers, please confirm your address for payment.
-Ps: We provide combine shipping, but the shipping fee depend on the weight of items. So if you want to do combine shipping, please give us the item name you want, and we will calculate you the total price including shipping.
-Please CONTACT us for a personalized offer; or if you put a BIG order.
-We are factory, can offer anything you want!
Return Policy
-To make the buyer's most satisfaction. We provide return policy. You can ship the item back for refund (shipping fee will not refunded) or exchange.
-We can not responsible for a change of mind or lost mail but if the mistake is ours, We will be glad to provide fully refund.
-We hope for 5 stars feedback very much. If you are not satisfied with the item, please contact us before leaving the feedback. Patience and understanding are virtues. We will give VIP membership to good clients based our cooperation records!