Brand Name: houseeker;Material: Cloth;Pattern Type: Solid;Model Number: IR168;Type: Tubs;Age Group: Babies;Feature: comfortable,convenient,safely;Style: baby bath pad;Material: Spandex(Professional swimwear fabric);
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Product name: baby bath mat
Material: Kam spandex fabrics and sandwich mesh cloth
Color: Blue, Pink
Product Size: 55 * 35CM
Packages:1*baby bath mat(Not Include Bathtubs )
*The main materials using a professional swimsuit fabrics, elastic, non-irritating to the skin, breathable, dehydration fast, not easily deformed, easy to dry
*Bath mat internal filling strength buffer, seismic capacity of environmental protection foam.
*Not easily deformed, breathable, comfortable liquidity, more environmental health.
*Floating bath mat for the baby safe and enjoyable provide important help bathe
*Bath mat soft touch, secure.
*Let the baby fall in love in the water bath process, fall in love with a bath
*The bath mat compact and lightweight.
*After the dry run, you could put it leave the water, and as a toy or bed for the baby, folded and stored,Small footprint, easy storage

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