This product has either been discontinued by the manufacturer or de-listed in Vape Vandal.
Freak Republique e-juices use nicotine mixed by the brewer himself from pure nicotine. Expect a very decent throat hit.
Clementine Tango
The ultimate mix-and-match e-juice of orange & ripe mango rounded off with a cool aftertaste to make for a smooth cool vape. Taste the fresh tangy orange layered with a distinctive ripe mango finish. It is truly unlike any other, with a distinctive pulpy citrus tongue tickle magically vanishing in the creamy notes of sun ripened tropical mangoes!
A palate smacking fruity blend of refreshing crunchy apples and juicy grapes. Both flavors are distinctly identifiable and will satisfy even the most sophisticated taste buds. Handcrafted to give a satisfying, scrumptious fruity all-day vape. Fruity heaven on earth has come to pass.
Pina Colada
Not unlike its namesake cocktail, this concoction is the coolest mix of creamy coconuts with a finale of succulent pineapples for a taste to truly savor. Makes for the perfectly delicious all-day vape, and for those who absolutely adore the refreshing zest of fresh tropical fruits. A faithfully true recreation of an already world famous flavor!
The uber-cool taste of lime and vanilla, kinda like the Popsicle. A handcrafted tangy lime flavor is released during inhale, finishing with notes of soft vanilla upon exhale. Guaranteed to surprise and refresh your taste buds and senses even on the hottest of sunny days.
Strawnut (Strawberry & Coconut)
The perfecto blend of the two unlikeliest of bedfellows - Strawberries and Coconuts! Carefully blended & magically paired for salivating smoothness, this delightful East-meets-West-then-falls-in-love pairing proves that diametric opposites can inspire wholesome awesomeness. It’s nothing short of magical madness. We dare you to say any different!