Get A Complete Body Workout From The Comfort Of Your Home With Heavy Jump Rope!
The Heavy Jump Rope is the weighted jump rope that builds strength, conditioning, and coordination all at once! Have a fun but effective workout that you can bring wherever you go.
Made with durable poly gripped fabric the Heavy Jump Rope was designed to last generations, with daily use. With the thick and weighted rope, you can build an amazing body!
More Results, Less Time
Our weighted jump rope is the most effective calorie-burning workout on the market. Double your calorie burn! Using the Heavy Jump Rope can burn nearly twice the number of calories versus other cardio methods.
Get The Results You Want!
Improve your strength and conditioning with a single piece of equipment! The weighted rope challenges your arms, core, shoulders, back, and legs!
Build balance and coordination. The weighted Jump Rope trains your body to grow functionally with improved coordination.
Even if you only have a few minutes a day, or having difficulties finding the time to work out that's no problem! The accessibility and effectiveness of the Heavy Jump Rope allow you to feel like you've completed a full-body workout after an intense 15-minute workout with the Heavy Jump Rope.
A Full-Body Workout Wherever You Go.
Whether you're a frequent traveler, want to squeeze in a quick workout before lunch, or just simply want to change your workout area the Heavy Jump Rope will give you a killer workout anywhere.
With the multi-use design of the Heavy Jump Rope you can use it for other exercises to change your intensity or to train with others.