Incense Cones for Incense Fountain

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Incense Cones for Incense Fountain

Multiple number of incense cones sets to choose from for your favorite Incense fountain.

Works with our top seller Smoke Falls Incense Fountain


Did you know?

Incense burning for meditation and prayer is an ancient tradition. Burning incense for meditation decreases stress, and it is believed that different types of incense – frankincense, sandalwood, and sage – have the power to cleanse negative energy, ease tension, and elevate your meditative state.

Lit an Incense Cone and place it in its place in the burner (top right). After the cone has been lit well, ash will form, which will push the smoke down towards the hole of the incense cone and through the small hole in the Incense Burner, creating the smoke trail that will be giving the waterfall effect.