Femdoms, Dominant Women, are everywhere! Look around! You could be right next to a FemDom while you’re working out at the gym, we do work out.
You could be standing behind her in the line at Starbucks, we drink coffee and eat lunch. She could be that woman who was walking slightly too far behind you for your tastes and you open a door and rather than wait a few seconds for her to get there, walk right through, allowing it to close on her …. yes, THAT could have been your FemDom.
I’ve written about this endlessly …. point is, that we are everywhere. We’re not just sitting online, perusing Slave Selection or some other kinky dating app, we are out there living real lives, doing real things. We are women, and like mostly every woman, we enjoy the romance, the banter, the pursuit …. and we do a LOT of vanilla things! Or, things that the rest of the world perceives as vanilla, but we can put our own twist to them.
These personalized invitation cards allow you to discreetly discover the Ladies who are into Femdom
The QR Code on the card is directly linked to your Slave Selection account and allows you to receive your bonus credits and an alert each time a Lady register from your card without knowing who you are.