Learn to Build your own Dynamic JavaScript Quiz from Scratch.
This course covers a step by step approach to building an interactive online quiz. The completed project is a web quiz that gets generated from a data file. Source code is included so that you too can try the code for yourself, adjust and create your own version.
Online quizzes are a useful tool for websites, to create interaction, add engagement and gather information from users. You will be amazed at how easy it can be to create applications like this from scratch. Add your own questions easily. The quiz data is from a JSON file that gets pulled into the JavaScript via AJAX. The JavaScript code then generates the visual output within the HTML.
The course covers everything you need to know, with source code included. Step by step process covering everything you need to know to be able to utilize all these amazing JavaScript capabilities.
- Learn about JavaScript Objects and how they can be used to hold data
- Learn about JSON and how it relates to JavaScript objects
- Use AJAX to get data from a web file and then parse it to a usable object format within your JavaScript.
- How to add Bootstrap for quick styling to your page
How to build a project from scratch explained step by step. What makes this course different is that it takes a project based approach to teaching JavaScript. See how and why code in JavaScript is used to create REAL WORLD PROJECTS.
- How to build the question data file
- navigation between questions using JavaScript
- adding event listeners to trigger user initiated functionality
- working with the DOM - Document Object Model
- Dynamic Classes
- Adding new question
- Create a final score card for the user to show their results
- and a whole lot more.....
Start exploring what you can do with JavaScript
By the end of the course you will have the skills and know how to create JavaScript code to make quizzes online.
Want to know more, what are you waiting for take the first step. Join now to start learning how you too can create dynamic and interactive web projects today.
Who is the target audience?
- Web developers
- web masters
- anyone who wants to learn more about JavaScript
- anyone who wants to learn how to build a JavaScript project from scratch