A Synagogue or a Temple is a complex operation.
Not only do they have income and expenses to supervise, but they also have the additional burden of having to deal with many individual needs that are very time specific such a Yahrzeits and Bar Mitzvahs etc. Add that to all the other duties and scheduling that go on in the Synagogue and you have a Gabai's nightmare.
Gabai 2000 is a Gabai's dream come true...
Gabai 2000 is the complete solution...
Gabai 2000 was written by a Gabai for Gabais!
Gabai 2000 is simple to operate... yet powerful...
Gabai contains many features that programs costing 10 times the price don't have.
It has an exceptional easy to use interface.
The program leads you step by step through the database building stages, so when you are finished you have a valuable tool that will permit you to maximize the services that your