Some of the best and exciting parts when an actor took out a cool, amazing, unbelievable gadget. We used to dream of owning them and always wondered if we would see such gadgetry in our lifetime.
Well, technology has progressed so quickly that almost every single contraption which was dream-pt up in my childhood is either relatively available or very soon to be, except for time machines of course!
This surprising little thing projects a keyboard on any flat surface. You can type away accompanied by simulated keyboard sound feedback with it¡¯s built in display screen showing your key presses in real time for faster typing. It really is true future magic at its best. You'll be turning heads the moment you pull this from your pocket and use it to compose an e-mail on almost all Bluetooth enabled devices, computers or laptops. With a full size English QWERTY layout the laser virtual keyboard approaches typing speeds of a standard keyboard in a size no larger than a matchbook.
There are even options which include a Bluetooth speaker so you will not only do away with your keyboard & mouse but also rid your portable speaker! So this device which can easily fit in your pocket has saved you lugging around 3 bulky objects! A no brainer!