This Portable Aron Kodesh was commissioned by the Mayanot community in Talpiot, Jerusalem. Unique aron kodesh design from solid wood with dovetail joinery, hanging box, and hand carving. A parochet has been further commissioned to hang between the carved wooden frame. Please inquire for information about customizing your synagogue furniture and aron kodesh.
Custom Built Hanging Torah Ark This Torah Ark has been custom built according to the needs, style, and budget of our client. Please contact us for information on how to design and produce a torah ark to suit your congregation, either in a similar or different style. At Synagogue Furniture we offer only the highest grade materials, finest craftsmanship and best service of any synagogue furniture makers anywhere. We offer your choice of wood color, unique detail work in carving and glass. The price listed approximates for custom work in similar style, detail, and size. Simpler or similar available work may be generously discounted, so be sure to contact us to discuss your needs.
- usually portable 70-80 cm wide for 2 torahs and
- 100 - 110 cm+ wide for 3 sifrei torahs adding $395 to price.
- Inquire for additional sizing.