Neck Pain Relief Massage Set Mat helps relieve both our physical and mental stress. Simply by lying on it, thousands of acupressure points will stimulate nerves, accelerate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, relieving headaches, back, neck, shoulder, and sciatic pain, improving sleep, circulation, mood, and energy levels. It is skin-friendly cotton fabric and environmentally friendly 18D high-density foam inside of it, Our Pain Relief Massage Mat is made from ABS non-toxic plastic, 100% natural, and free your worry about the side effects, enjoying the high-quality life brought by our mat.
The Pain Relief Massage Mat was inspired by the ancient Indian theory of acupressure. According to the theory, the body is lined with “pressure points” which, when stimulated, release natural pain-relieving hormones. The plastic points scattered across these pillows prickle the skin, eventually releasing endorphins similar to those we experience after an intense exercise session. It can provide a sense of joy and a jolt of energy.
- Material : cotton
- Color: Purple,Gray, Green, Blue and Black
- Mat size: 66*41cm
- Pillow size: 37*14.5*10cm