MK reminder: We use Asian Size,please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. You can according the waist to choose the size | ||||
Size | waist(cm) | waist(inch) | length(cm) | length(inch) |
M(28-29) | 73 | 28.74 | 102 | 40.16 |
L(30) | 77 | 30.31 | 104 | 40.94 |
XL(31) | 80 | 31.50 | 105 | 41.34 |
XXL(32-33) | 85 | 33.46 | 106 | 41.73 |
MK reminder: All measurement in cm and please note 1cm=0.3937inch, 1 inch=2.54cm |