This is a Fair Trade item. This Bracelet is carefully hand made by superior crafts people, exiled Tibetans refugees living in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia and elsewhere. Your purchase directly assists in the day to day lives of these refugees and aids in preserving and expanding the unique, rich Tibetan heritage and culture.
OM is the eternal creative vibration of the universe. It's vibration is peace and joy. Wearing this Om bracelet will help create a feeling of peace and joy within you and all who come in contact with you will feel that peace and joy.
Turquoise is a valued power stone. It will strengthen and align all of the Chakras; and it can be used to cleanse your energy centers. As a meditation tool, the gem can assist in clearing your mind, opening you to the Universal All. Use Turquoise to attune to the spiritual plane or provide protection during vision quests or astral travel.
Coral is said to quiet the emotions and to bring peace to within the self, it facilitates intuition, imagination and visualization. Coral helps one to both understand and use the qualities of the mystic.
Amount and color of turquoise and coral stones will vary from bracelet to bracelet due to unique handmade nature of these fair trade items.