Organic Acne & Scars Mask

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Made from 13 herbs and 4 clays, each ingredient carefully selected for it's ability to treat both acne and diminish scars. This blend is full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. This mask stimulates circulation and collagen production, regenerates skin cells, smoothes and prevents wrinkles, evens skin tone and diminishes age spots. The clay base deeply purges your pores while exfoliating your skin. Then the herbs swoop in with all their acne fighting, antibacterial, skin healing glory! A welcomed surprise is how moisturized this mask leaves your face thanks to the hydrating powers of Rhassoul Clay! 

Directions: Mix one-two tbsp. clay with filtered water until clay falls easily off the spoon. Avoid using metal when mixing since metal decreases the clays pulling ability. Apply on face or scars. Time will vary based on how thick mask is applied but leave on until the mask lightens in color but before it is fully dry and flaking. Place a warm wash rag over your face, then gently massage off in a upward small circular motion. Apply your favorite oil or face moisturizer. *Optional; use honey or apple cider vinegar instead of water, using caution near eyes.*

This blend is 25% finely ground organic and wildcrafted herbs, and 75% sustainably sourced, high quality clay. The medicinal value of the herbs will decrease after a year. All my mask are bottled in Amber Glass Jars to increase the shelf life.

Australian Organic Cosmetics & Green Beauty blogger, The Spot Beauty's two part review of my face care products:

Customer Reviews:

*Very fast shipping thank u. Today first day I use this mask and so far I love it my skin looks so fresh I'll keep using it great job ??

*I love how smooth my face feels after using this mask!

*Quick shipping! Good looking product! 

A common side effect during an Acne treatment of this caliber is a breakout or two within the first 2 weeks, because it is drawing old dirt, oil, bacteria and toxins to the surface. Once it has deeply purged your pores this will go away and you will have smooth, even toned skin! After your skin has been cleansed, nourished and healed I highly recommend incorporating my Pore Minimizing oil into your routine. The Acne & Scars Mask thoroughly cleanses your skin and the Pore minimizing oil shrinks those pores up so they stay cleaner during the day while providing a dose of acne curing Tea Tree Oil.

Acne can be diet related. Although this treatment will help treat acne from any cause, it may be beneficial to incorporate more fruits, veggies, water and less meat, dairy, gluten, sugar and processed food. One person may be able to eat as much meat as they want, but rarely eat dairy or they break out. If no treatment fully heals your acne I recommend experimenting with your diet to figure out if that is the root of your acne and what your triggers are.

Organic Ingredients: Sodium Bentonite Clay, French Green Clay, Rhassoul Clay, Kaolin Clay, Calendula, Green Tea, Rosehips, Burdock Root, Oregano, Rosemary, Neem Leaf, Chamomile, Spearmint, Fenugreek, Gotu Kola, White Sage, Cleavers.

Medicinal breakdown of ingredients:

Calendula: Mostly widely used herb in skin products. Anti Inflammatory properties soothing inflamed acne, exfoliates skin, treats acne and diminishes scars.

Green Tea: Reduces acne inflammation, antioxidant, reduces scars and stimulates skin repair.

Rosehips: Full of essential fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants, improves appearance of scarring, anti inflammatory, improves skin's complexion.

Burdock: Detoxes and repairs skin, promotes circulation and healing of scars, moisturizes skin, treats acne.

Oregano: Antibacterial, anti inflammatory, diminishes scars.

Rosemary: Antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antibacterial, stimulates circulation, promotes even skin tone, treats stubborn acne and diminishes scarring.

Neem Leaf; Diminishes new and old scars, antibacterial, regulates oil production, antifungal, antiviral, anti inflammatory, tones skin and prevents wrinkles.

Chamomile: Tones, cleanses, treats psoriasis, acne and eczema, antibacterial, antioxidant anti inflammatory, deep cleanses while relaxing skin, fades scars.

Spearmint: Antioxidant, prevents formation of acne, antibacterial, lightens scars, speeds healing.

Fenugreek: Anti Inflammatory, antiseptic, soothing action on the skin that helps heal skin conditions and reduce acne scaring.

Gotu Kola: Used historically for skin ailments, enhances production of collagen, accelerates fading of scars.

White Sage: Diminishes scar tissue, antimicrobial, treats eczema and acne.

Sodium Bentonite clay: Best drawing ability of all clays, pulls out dirt, oil, metals, and toxins.

French Green Clay: Good for oil skin, eczema, antibacterial, detoxes and purifies skin.

Rhassoul Clay: Moisturizes, enhances skin clarity and elasticity, unblocks pores, treats blackheads, anti inflammatory, rich in minerals and silicon.

Kaolin Clay: Great for sensitive skin, anti inflammatory, doesn't dry out skin, detoxes, treats acne, stimulates circulation, high in minerals.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.