Elegance, Sophistication, Style
Sells at Pangea Mines for $399.99!
Inside-out hoop earrings are all that and more. Beautifully crafted in sterling silver and adorned with 12 oval 6 x 1mm and ten round 4mm ceruleite cabochons that run along the front outer edge and back inner edge of each earring. It’s a sophisticated look that works as well at the office as it does for an evening on the town—a look you need in your collection.
• Genuine blue ceruleite
• Fine sterling silver
• Lovely inside-out styling
A rarity, even among collectors, it's not common to see specimens of ceruleite on the market. A gemstone that appears sky blue to pale blue in color, it can frequently be mistaken for turquoise. In fact, one of ceruleite's earliest applications was as imitation turquoise!
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