⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rated 5/5 by JENNA BROWN, Customer - “Even in these hard times, I have been able to maintain the same level of fitness because of ResistX! After everything returns to normal, I will continue to use this awesome belt to supplement my daily gym routine.”
Don't let the lockdown affect your fitness levels. Train your entire lower body and core including glutes, lower abdomen, abs, obliques, inner/outer thighs, quads, and hamstrings from the comfort of your home. This multifunctional system provides the same amount of resistance as any gym equipment and can be used to do hundreds of exercises! Celebrities, A-Listers and Fitness Enthusiasts around the world are choosing ResistX™ Full Lower Body Resistance System to keep in shape during these tough times.
- MULTIFUNCTION WORKOUT SYSTEM - Multi-functional exercise trainer, all-in-one design, can be used as glutes resistance bands, ankle resistance trainers, leg exercise band, jump trainer, speed trainer and much much more...
- PERFECT DESIGN - ResistX™ includes a mesh lined waist belt, 2 ankle straps with thick foam pad anchor to avoid sports bruise injury. Our butt resistance fitness bands and comprehensive exercise guide are designed to primarily isolate and workout the glutes muscles, tone your calves and thighs.
- UNMATCHED PERFORMANCE - The problem with other glute lifters is they break easily and their resistance is not adjustable. Our product is made from durable non-snap latex, super strong carabiners. Our fitness belt is available in different levels of resistance, which means it will hold up to any level of usage and you can apply it to the level of your strength and height.
- ADJUSTABLE SYSTEM - Doesn't matter if anyone's short, tall, bulky or slim - the waist belt and ankle strap gets adjusted according to the build of the person using it.
- 5 RESISTANCE LEVELS, GET WHAT SUITS YOU THE BEST - Our bands with high strength will let you feel the burn quickly. We have 5 different resistance level bands available for you. As and when you progress, you will need to increase the resistance to get amazing results.
- Waist Belt Size: Adjustable
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