⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rated 5/5 by TONY HARGREAVES, Owner of Bull Neck Fitness - “My muscles have in fact become much more defined now because of ResistX5. After all this is over, I will sell all the equipments in my gym and teach my clients how to train with Resistance Bands solely!”
Will Resistance Bands Replace Gyms? Will We Ever Need Gyms Again?
Numerous studies have analyzed the results between weights and resistance bands. The results frequently show that resistance band exercises for legs, back, chest, arms and other major muscle groups have results similar to weight training.
One particular review compiled all of the smaller studies to show a bigger picture analysis of resistance bands vs. free weights and general weightlifting. Published in February 2019 in the journal SAGE Open Medicine, the review combined data from eight different studies and used the pooled information to draw conclusions based on a large data set.
The study found that resistance bands show similar results to weights in both the upper and lower body exercises. This essentially means that both can build muscles & strength without a major deviation in the gains shown between the two options. Resistance bands are not necessarily better than weights, but they provide similar results as far as muscle building & strength training are concerned.
So.... YES! Combined with the fact that they are inexpensive, lightweight, injury-free and can be used inside your home, Resistance Bands will soon replace gyms. As we are trying to accept today’s new reality, professional bodybuilders & fitness enthusiasts all over the world have already made their switch from weights & gym equipments to solely Resistance Bands!
Join The Resistance Band Revolution Today with our ResistX5™ Full Body Resistance System.
Celebrities, A-Listers and Fitness Enthusiasts everywhere are choosing ResistX5™ Full Body Resistance System to maintain their fitness levels. Equipped with 5-level resistance, this multifunctional system provides the same amount of resistance as free weights or any gym equipment and can be used to do hundreds of exercises!
- 5 COLOR-CODED RESISTANCE BANDS INCLUDED - Yellow (10 lbs), Blue (20 lbs), Green (30 lbs), Black (40 lbs), Red (50 lbs), all exercise bands are 48" in length, and can be used alone or stacked in any combination to a maximum equivalent of 150 lbs.
- ANTI-SNAP TECHNOLOGY - Made of the highest quality & eco-friendly natural latex which is extremely durable, and bands will maintain their resistance for a long time. Each tube band are double layered & carefully constructed to provide maximum resistance.
- SUITABLE FOR ANY FITNESS LEVEL - Whether you're a beginner or an expert, these resistance bands are for you. The variety of resistances and multi clip system means you can adjust the intensity of your resistance-band workouts to suit your personal goals.
- YOUR OWN PERSONAL HOME GYM - This resistance band set includes five exercise bands, one waterproof carry bag, one door anchor, two cushioned handles and two ankle straps to allow you to perform the widest variety of resistance training exercises possible.
Goodbye Gym Membership!
Five color-coded professional gym quality rubber tube bands can be used alone or stacked in any combination up to a maximum equivalent of 150 lbs of resistance. Each band is 1.2m long and is clearly marked with its equivalent weight - a feature you won’t see on most exercise bands sold elsewhere.
Set includes:
- Yellow band = 10 lbs
- Blue band = 20 lbs
- Green band = 30 lbs
- Black band = 40 lbs
- Red band = 50 lbs
- 1 x Waterproof carry bag
- 1 x Door anchor
- 2 x cushioned handles
- 2 x ankle straps
Plus, Bonus Booklet Included:
- Resistance Band Training Guide Booklet.
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