The Rose Pink Flowered Tallit For Woman is the perfect tallit for the special woman in your life who loves to be different! This stunning tallit features a background of vibrant, rose pink crepe de chine and is decorated with a wide handpainted floral border in orange and deep pink
Silk Tallits are the lightest, softest prayer shawls for women and have a real fashion statement, of combining tradition with a modern lifestyle.
The Atara, the neckpiece of the Tallit, is printed with the blessing in Hebrew.
This Silk Tallit comes in a set with a matching Tallit bag and Kippah - the design pattern is repeated on the Tallit bag and the kippah has a matching color.
Size: 20″ by 72″.
Made in Israel.
Preparation time: 2-3 days
Shipping options:
DHL fast delivery for $35 – expected delivery within 2-3 business days once shipped.