Despite its considerable shortcomings, the M3 was nonetheless a valuable addition to both US and British forces in the early years of the war, with its most significant role coming in the North African campaign. In addition, the M3 saw service with the Australian army and Russia, who received over 900 M3's, although their opinion of them was less than glowing, especially in comparison to their own newly developed T-34. Despite that though, they continued to serve with the Red Army until the end of the war, albeit in secondary units.
Takom no doubt made a lot of modelers very happy when they announced the release of a new tooled 1/35 M3 Grant and Lee earlier this year, as it's a tank that despite playing a significant early war role for the allies, hasn't received much love from model manufacturers. Up until now, we've only had the option of the old (ancient?) Tamiya release, and the slightly newer, but broadly similar Academy version, so it's great to see these state-of-the-art Grant and Lee kits