Development of the M46 Patton tank mounting an updated turret, and was in turn further developed as the M48 Patton. It was the second American tank to be named after General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during World War II and one of the earliest American advocates of tanks in battle.
- Single piece lower hull, upper hull with exterior detail, separate turret, hinged hatches, multi-part 90 mm gun M36, detailed mantlet with dust cover
- Choice of muzzle brakes, .50 cal (12.7 mm) M2 machine gun, .30 cal (7.62 mm) M1919A4 machine gun
- Separate on-vehicle tools and equipment, detailed exhaust, injection molded tow cables, smoke dischargers, clear accents (lights, turret ring, vision ports), running gear (sprockets, idlers, road wheels), individual track links and lengths
- Decals and painting reference for (6) tanks: 37th Armored Brigade, 237 Armored Battalion, Border with Iraq, defense of oil pipelines, 1980; 77th Infantry Division, 291 Armored battalion, Abadan, 1981; Initial version, (x2) Armored Light Cavalry Regiment RCLAC (Lusitania) 8 and (Santiago) 1, 1985.