Tattoo Concealing Master: The step-by-step system for flawless
and durable coverage of unwanted tattoos with airbrush makeup
Here’s a breakdown of the Tattoo Concealing Master course curriculum:
Lesson 1: Preparing the skin
- proper cleansing
- neutral positioning
Lesson 2: Preparing your workspace
- airbrush system assembly
- general workspace materials
Lesson 3: Doing a patch test
- analyzing skin undertones
- determining color ratios
Lesson 1: Neutralizing a black and grey tattoo
- correcting greenish/bluish tones
- proper misting distance and opacity
Lesson 2: Reintroducing the skin-colored pigments
- mastering the rocking boat technique
- proper misting distance
- reintroducing texture
- setting with powder
- extending makeup longevity
Lesson 3: Concealing a color tattoo
- understanding the complementary color wheel
- color-correction of warm and cool tones
- neutralizing outlines
- color washing
Lesson 1: Cleaning your airbrush – Regular use
- using the proper cleaners
- partial airbrush disassemly/reassembly
Lesson 2: Airbrush maintenance
- complete airbrush disassemly/reassembly
- in-depth cleaning of airbrush components
Lesson 3: Removing the makeup from the skin
- makeup remover options
- alcohol-based vs. alcohol-free cleansers
Lesson 1: In-depth equipment and product knowledge
- equipment options for on-location applications
- switching between various airbrush makeup mediums
- low-grade vs. high-grade alcohol-based makeup
- hindering factors of makeup longevity
Lesson 2: In-depth color-correction and neutralization
- pre-mixed color-correctors vs. primary color-correctors
- mimicking freckles and bronzers
Lesson 3: Tattoo coverage for skin issues
- concealing tattoos with scar tissue
- concealing tattoos with skin discolorations (rosacea, tan lines, vitiligo, bruises, birthmarks, etc.)
- concealing tattoos between laser tattoo removal sessions
- concealing tattoos with body jewelry