First surfacing in France in the 18th century, The Black Pullet> is a guide to the construction and use of magical talismanic rings. With the use of these rings, people attained extraordinary powers. Perhaps the most wonderful secret revealed is the power to produce the Black Pullet, otherwise known as the "Hen with the Golden Eggs." Unlimited wealth was granted to the person who achieved the creation of this incredible Hen. And historic work and one of significant value. The translation is clear and the print quality is good. For those interested in historic 'black' books, there is much that may be found within the pages here that is comparable to that found within the pages of Simon's Neconomicon, the Grand Grimoire or the Grimorium Verum. There is a value in its structure and magical theory. The same may be said here of the Black Pullet. As with many of the historic 'black; books, the rituals are adaptable to the individuals own systems and retain an underlying value and power
By Anonymous