This is a Fair Trade item. This Healing Bracelet is carefully hand-made by superior crafts people, exiled Tibetans refugees living in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia and elsewhere. . Your purchase directly assists in the day to day lives of these refugees and aids in preserving and expanding the unique, rich Tibetan heritage and culture.
Turquoise is a valued power stone. It will strengthen and align all of the Chakras; and it can be used to cleanse your energy centers. As a meditation tool, the gem can assist in clearing your mind, opening you to the Universal All. Use Turquoise to attune to the spiritual plane or provide protection during vision quests or astral travel.
Silver is a mirror to the soul and stimulates seeing oneself outside of the body. This sight is without judgmental attitudes and provides one with patience and perseverance. It assists in increased perception and helps to regulate the emotional and intuitive energies. Silver provides a very strong connection between the physical and astral bodies. The malleability of silver is conducive to causing energies to bend and to even become circular, enabling vital centers to be opened, stimulated, cleared and activated. Silver helps to cleanse the body and to eliminate toxins at the cellular level.
Pearls are symbolic of purity, innocence and faith, pearls enhance personal integrity and help clear the mind so that it can be a clean channel for wisdom and spiritual guidance. They were once thought to be the tears of gods.
- Fits up to a 7 inch wrist
- Fair Trade
- Instructions - How to adjust bracelet size