Umbreon Pokemon Cable Protector for iPhone XS Max XR 8 Universal USB Charging Cable Cover Description:
This super-cute Umbreon Pokemon Cable Protector for iPhone XS Max XR 8 Universal USB Charging Cable Cover slips over your phone's charging cord to protect and decorate it with an adorable Umbreon Pokemon Cable Protector for iPhone XS Max XR 8 Universal USB Charging Cable Cover. When plugged in, it'll look like this Umbreon Pokemon Cable Protector for iPhone XS Max XR 8 Universal USB Charging Cable Cover is chomping on the side of your Apple device or hugging the cable, whether it's an iPhone, an iPad, or an iPod. It's sized to fit iPhone's Lightning Cable, so it will work with most iPhones, iPads, and more! Order your Umbreon Pokemon Cable Protector for iPhone XS Max XR 8 Universal USB Charging Cable Cover today!