We have 2 options for this painting -- With Framed, Or No Framed. Please choose one option when you buy.
With Framed means the painting has been stretched on wood frame, ready to hang!
No Framed means canvas only.
Reasonable price: We could help you strike a very balance between quality and price.
Good quality: We have strict quality control system & good reputation in the market.
Good service: Response will be carried out in 24 hours after receiving any complain or request.
Environment Protection: We have advanced & environmental-friendly system.
Material: Canvas
Medium: Waterproof Ink
Technics: Spray Painting
Subjects: Figure Painting
Style: Classical
Support Base: Canvas
Original: Yes
Type: Canvas Printings
Shape: Vertical Rectangle
Form: Three-picture Combination
Unframed Options: Canvas Only
Framed Options: Framed on the back, ready to hang
Customize: Accepted, Contact us for details
Dropshipping : Accepted, Contact us for details
Subjects: Classical Jesus