Wrawp all natural original organic veggie wraps are made in the usa with fruits, vegetables and spices for a grain-free way to snack on vegetables or hummus. A dehydration process preserves the enzymes, vitamins and minerals in these wraps, making these raw wraps a nutritious snacking option and a great choice for those with food allergies. This three-sheet pack contains six wraps for easy paleo and vegan meal planning.
country of origin : united states of america
is dairy free : yes
is wheat free : yes
is yeast free : yes
organic : 95%+ organic
size : 5.3 oz
pack of : 8
selling unit : case
ingredients : organic apple;organic coconut;organic flax seeds;organic onion and black salt;organic oregano;organic turmeric;organic zucchini
keywords : healthy;nutritious;paleo;raw;tasty;versatile